Emergency Response Officer (ERO) - Basis training

At BHV.NL, you can follow an Emergency Response Officer training (BHV cursus in Dutch) in English. In the Netherlands, under the Working Conditions Act, employers are obliged to have an Emergency Response Procedure in place. One part of this procedure is that a company has to have one or several Emergency Response Officers.
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Emergency Response Officers are employees who perform emergency response tasks if an emergency situation occurs. Their main tasks are to evacuate employees in the case of an emergency, fight and contain fires and to provide first aid. How many of these officers a company has to have depends on the size of the company and the risks that are present in the company.

To ensure that there are enough Emergency Response Officers in each company and that they know how to perform their tasks correctly, we offer Emergency Response Officer training. This ERO training is a basic training where you will be educated to become an ERO and will learn all the necessary skills to fulfill your duties correctly when an emergency arises. After you have finished the training and passed the exam, you will receive an emergency response certificate that is valid for a year. After a year you must prolong the diploma by taking the ERO refresher training to make sure that your skills are still up to the required standards.

Your time investment

This Emergency Response Officer training uses e-learning. In our e-learning environment you can study the theory of the course before the practice day takes place. 
  • Theory: about 4 hours - in the e-learning environment
  • Practice day: from 08.30 - 16.00 hours - on location in Amsterdam, The Hague, Utrecht or Eindhoven

ERO training: e-learning and theoretic exam

The Emergency Response Officer training consists of two parts: a theoretical part and a practice part. The theoretical part can be finished at home in our dynamic e-learning environment. The e-learning environment consists of several modules with study material. We offer several different ways to study the material, so you can get the best results possible.
The e-learning program consists of six modules. After each module, you make a practice exam to prepare you for the two theoretical exams that you have to take after you finish all modules. To pass the exams you have to answer at least 70% of the exam questions correctly. In order to participate in the practice day, you have to finish all six e-learning modules and pass both of the exams. It is important that you do this at least three workings days before the practice day of the Emergency Response Officer training.
The modules of the e-learning program:
  1. Introduction online study material
  2. General first aid rules
  3. Non-emergency aid
  4. Emergency first aid
  5. Fire fighting and evacuation
  6. Emergency Response in practice 
You finish the e-learning modules with a two-part exam:
  • ERO basics fire
  • ERO basics first aid 
Studying all six e-learning modules and making the two exams will take on average 4 hours. If you already have some knowledge about the basics of emergency response, you can go through the modules quicker. In that situation, you might need less than 4 hours to finish the theoretical part.

Practice day

If you have passed your theoretical exams three working days before the practice day, you can join the practice day. During the practice day, you practice the emergency response tasks. The tasks that you are going to practice are:
  • Suffocation
  • Bandaging
  • The recovery position
  • CPR
  • Fire extinguishing exercises
  • Door procedure 
During the practice day we will extensively cover the theory that you have learned. Because you have prepared yourself well with the e-learning modules, you can practice many different emergency response tasks during the practice day in a relatively short time.

After the Emergency Response Officer training

After you have finished the Emergency Response Officer training, you know how to act in an emergency situation. You will know how to do the following tasks:
  • Vacate and evacuate;
  • Communication in the event of an emergency;
  • CPR (with and without AED);
  • Life saving acts;
  • Various forms of injuries and recognizing them;
  • The difference between fire extinguishing agents and when to use which;
  • Recognize and fight a starting fire.

Is this course suitable for me?

This course is suitable for people who want to become an Emergency Response Officer and like to study the theoretical part of the training online. The course will be given in English. If you want to follow this course in Dutch, you can follow our BHV basis course. You don't need to have had any previous education on this topic.

The ERO diploma of the ERO basic training course is valid for one year. After a year you must prolong the diploma by taking the ERO refresher training.

Included in the training

The following is included in the price of the Emergency Response Officer training:
  • Access to the e-learning environment
  • Online theoretical exam
  • Practice day in Amsterdam, The Hague, Utrecht or Eindhoven
  • Coffee/ tea and lunch on the practice day
  • Course material
  • Your own emergency response certificate (if you pass the exam)

The advantages of this emergency response training

  • Study the theory at home and at your own pace
  • Practice everything that you studied during the practice day

Group training / Incompany training

Are there several people in your organisation who have to follow the ERO training? From six participants or up, we can organise a group training. This training can be given in-company or out-company (in a practice center or on another external location). It is also possible to create a training that is adjusted to your organization. We can create a customized training for your organization. If this is your wish, you can contact us through the contact form.

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